For those of you that know me, you know that I absolutely LOVE to be organized. So this is one of my organizing projects. It was definitely more fun to make than to have to actually use! :)
I made this before I started my blog, so I don't have step by step pics...sorry. But I'll try to give you the rundown.
Magnetic board
Glass tiles
Tacky All Purpose Glue
Mod Podge
Craft Paper (I used 2 solids (cream & brown) and one print
I started with a photo frame from Michael's Craft Store with a 50% off coupon. I think I paid about $12 for it. I then bought a magnetic dry erase board at Walmart for a few bucks.
1. Remove the plastic frame from the magnetic board.
2. Using craft paper, make a decorative background with columns and a title. I printed the 'CHORES' title onto the cream paper. I used the brown paper to make the divider lines and the printed paper for the background. Glue them all together in place.
3. Place the decorative background in the frame directly behind the glass.
4. Place the magnetic board directly behind the background and replace the frame backing. (The magnetic board I had happened to fit the size of the frame perfectly)
5. You can either print out or write out your 'chores' for each tile. I printed mine.
6. Cut the 'chores' labels out to fit each of the glass tiles you intend to use.
7. Use the Tacky glue to glue them to the tiles. Be sure to get all of the bubbles out!
8. Seal the labels onto the tile with Mod Podge.
9. Once that dries, glue the magnets to the back of the tiles. The magnets I originally got at the craft store weren't strong enough to hold the tiles up so I had to go to the hardware store. Their magnets were much stronger and cheaper!
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